Tuesday, July 1, 2008

The good, the bad and the UGLY!!!

I have been stuck at the 36/37 lb mark for a few weeks now, and I have no one to blame but myself. I have not exercised like I should be, and I am eating out WAY too much. I am trying to make good decisions at restaurants, but it still is more cals/fat than I should be getting. Oh, and I have not tracked my food since my last fill...what the heck am I doing???

I fought for this tool for over a year, and now, three months out, I am already starting to abuse it? Some bandster I am!

Last night was a perfect example. I had gone all day eating wonderfully. Probably even below my target calories. I put the kids to bed, headed downstairs to catch up on Tivo, and boom...the binge started. Four granola bars later (and a pop tart, too) I had consumed an additional 730 cals in the matter of 10 minutes. Ugh, that is sooo disgusting.

Now I know that my band is not at the perfect fill level, but that is no excuse! It is only a tool, not a magic fix to a lifetime of poor eating choices! I need to make the effort and work WITH the band! If I want to be successful and meet my goal of 100 lbs lost in a year, I am going to have to step it up!

So today is a new day, and I am going to try to get it right. I guess that is all I can do at this point. Yesterday is over, and I am given a new day to get it right!

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