Wednesday, July 9, 2008

4th of July, and more

My family had a great holiday, going to the REDS, the city pool, downtown Columbus for Red White and Boom...I on the other hand worked! Things were crazy at work, too. The hot July weather and cookouts tend to send women in labor, so it never fails we are busy on the 4th. I usually don't mind missing out on weekend activities with the kids. I figure that it is better for them than daycare would be...but this year I felt really bummed. They were really excited and enjoyed the fireworks for the first time, and when they kissed me goodnight on Thurs and Friday morning, they were upset that I could not be downstaffed.

Don't let me fool you, nurses (especially night shift) are known to eat. Any holiday is an excuse to bring food in. I tried to make decent choices, and even brought strawberries, ff angle food cake and light cool whip to share, but I also had some of the other not-so-fat-free dishes. All in all, it was a ton less than I would have ate in years past!

Either way, today is hump-day, and that means the weekly meeting with my scale. I was less than excited to step in it, and even tried to thing of every excuse in the book as to why I should skip it this week. Nevertheless, I did it, and....down .3 lbs. WOW, I was so excited. That put me down 39.3 lbs. I am still going to try to make the 40 lb mark by my 4 month bandaversary on the 12. Wish me luck!

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