Wednesday, July 2, 2008

NSV Baby!!!

NSV, or non-scale victory, is a term used to describe an event, other than actual weight loss, worth celebrating . It is another way to measure success, especially when the scale is not always your friend. It happened to me the other night at work...I didn't even realize it happened until I looked down and...My legs were crossed!

It felt so natural, like I had never stopped being able to do it. I started laughing and the girls at work were like "what is so funny." I told them and they were all very supportive. Ahhh, it was a good day!

Oh, and today started my weekly weigh-in. I am not going to let myself get on the scale any more often than that. I tend to obsess about it, and it leads to binge the scale was my friend...down 39lbs. Yah! I think I broke the plateau!

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