Thursday, October 9, 2008

Still Here

I am still here, still pluggin' away at this weight loss thang! My last weigh in was Monday, and I was down 64.2 lbs. I know in my head I need to be thankful for this, especially since I have not been the best bandster lately!

Halloween candy is killing me! I need to get it out of my house! We went camping last weekend and the kids went Trick or Treating. I told myself I was going to use the candy to pass out on the 31st, but the stash is slowly dwindling! It seems like 2pm brings about a huge chocolate craving and I dive in, head first into the bowl! I hate myself afterwards, and I know that going into the binge, but it doesn't stop me for starting in the first place!

My exercise has been sporadic, too. Our membership has expired, and we are planning on renewing it, but it has not happened. You would think that I would take advantage of the great weather, but I have only done so a few times! I am fighting a cold, and breathing is not exactly easy, so I keep using this as my excuse. How Lame!!!

I am telling myself that I am going to the park this afternoon after I drop Rusty at preschool. I need to do. I owe it to myself to do it! I feel so much better afterwards! I will let you know if it happens!

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