Thursday, June 26, 2008

Where'd it go?

OK, for those that don't know, I am married to a computer guy. He is really great at what he does, and he provides a comfortable lifestyle for our family. That being said...I HATE computers! And from what I have experienced over the years, it is a mutual loathing! The most recent battle is about the disappearing act performed by my last post!

I was a good girl on Monday and typed all about my weekend, and the choices I had made. I thought I had loaded it to my blog successfully, but today it is not there. I guess it is floating out in cyberspace (is that one word?) somewhere.

Anyway, the skinny (pun intended) of it went something like:

-working nights sucks, but I love the people I work with and my job is pretty awesome, too

-people are starting to notice and say things, guess I need to figure out how to take a

-I tend to eat better while at work, I guess I figure people are watching me there

Hope this post finds you doing well!

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