Friday, August 1, 2008


Well, I am glad to say my back is on the mend--finally! I can sleep for 7 hours without any prescription drugs, and feel about 80% normal (what ever that is!?!?!) Yeah for me.

I am in the middle of a two day stretch at work. Why am I not sleeping right now? Apparently people don't understand that calling me at 3pm is like most people receiving a call at 3am! Ah, the life of a nurse!

Oh, my "bug" is still hanging around. Last night my belly was so distended that I looked like I could have been one of our laboring patients! I guess the Imodium I took was just keeping all of that funk inside of me...well, at least until I got home this morning! I guess I just needed the comfort of my own potty to um...let it loose! Sorry, TMI!

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